sábado, 16 de julho de 2011

Carta para Barack Obama

Decidi escrever uma carta a Barack Obama, a propósito das suas declarações de ontem, em que afirmou:
“Não somos a Grécia. Não somos Portugal”.

Dear Mr. President
I got used to the nonsense of your predecessor. George W. Bush was a real example of ignorance and stupidity.
You are savvier and you know that United States is not Greece or Portugal. You know about Geography! This is an advantage that you have in relation to Mr. Bush. Therefore, certainly you should know that Greece was the cradle of our civilization and Portugal was the pioneer of the world’s discovery and of the encounter of cultures. Its contribution to the development of Mankind has been enormous.
Today these countries are struggling? Yes, but they are not alone.
The pioneer of space exploration and the world's largest economy, is also struggling and has a public debt and a budget deficit larger than we have in Portugal.
I hope your perspective as a leader of a powerful and new-rich country exceeds your own difficulties and that you may have no more subprime or Lehman Brothers crises, both an American creation.
Above all, please do not compare your country to Greece or Portugal, who both have centuries of history and culture.
My best wishes to Mrs. Obama and you.

Entretanto, o embaixador dos Estados Unidos em Portugal veio hoje "em socorro" de Barack Obama, sublinhando que o governo norte-americano “aplaude as medidas” que estão a ser tomadas pelo governo português face a uma “situação difícil”. Voltamos ao tempo das "gaffes" de tipo Bush?
E as nossas autoridades ficam caladas?

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